In English (Flash + html)
      Tables in English (html)
      In Slovenian (Flash)
      Tables in Slovenian (html)
      Gradivo - in Slovenian (doc)

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Dr. Arne Mavčič

Constitutional Review Systems Around the World

Constitutional Review Systems Around the World
Home      Comparison      Lectures      Projects
The lectures concern different issues of the knowledge and techniques of national systems of constitutional review. A comparison of certain topical views could add to the analysis of sources of a national democratic process and culture. Accordingly, it could have direct applicative value in the search for systemic solutions in different countries.
• Primerjalno ustavno pravo - E študij
      Gradivo - in Slovenian (doc)
      Video link (YouTube)
      - Celotno gradivo je dostopno na EvroPF
• Systems of Constitutional Review
      In English (Flash + html)
• Constitutional Review in the Federal States
      Tables in English (Html)
• Organizacija ustavnega sodstva
     In Slovenian (Flash)
• Sodna presoja ustavnosti
      Tables in Slovenian (Html)
• Dostop posameznika do sodne presoje ustavnosti in zakonitosti
      Acrobat in Slovenian (PDF)
      Acrobat in Montenegrin (PDF)
      Power point in Slovenian (ppt)
• Individual Complaint as a Domestic Remedy to be Exhausted or Effective Within the Meaning of the Echr - Comparative and Slovenian Aspect
      Arcobat (PDF)
• Importance of Electronically Supported Legal Information With Special Reference to the Issues of Constitutional/Judicial Review
      Arcobat (PDF)
• Constitutional Values in Practice With a Special Reference to the Slovenian System Outline
      Arcobat (PDF)
      Video link (YouTube)
• Nekateri primerjalnopravni vidiki urejanja zasebnega šolstva
      Arcobat (PDF)
      Video link 10:05 - 16:00 (YouTube)
• Guarantees of Independence of the Judiciary: the Slovenian Experience
      Arcobat (PDF)
      PowerPoint (PPT)
• Individual access Riga 2013
      Arcobat (PDF)
      PowerPoint (PPT)
• Beneška komisija / Venice Commission
      Evropska komisija za demokracijo skozi pravo
          pri Svetu Evrope - (PDF)
      Venice Commission and its Activities - (PDF)
      Venice Commission of the Council of Europe
          abstract of lecture (PDF)
      Venice Commission and its Activities
          (PowerPoint - English)
      Venice Commission and its Activities
          (PowerPoint - Turkish)
      Venice Commission and its Activities - (YouTube)