table 1 - States with Diffuse Constitutional Review (one court dealing with constitutional questions as well)
StateThe Court's Title, JudgesPowers – Constitutional Review tooIndividual Complaint
23 provinces
Corte Suprema de la Justicia de la Nation,
7 members: ministros
Generally, the system of incidenter review (indirect constitutional review) was adopted. However, some provinces have a double system of constitutional review (direct and indirect);protection of fundamental rightsamparo
6 states
The High Court of Australia,
7 members: justices
Judicial review is conducted by the "ordinary courts of the land" and there are no special administrative or constitutional courts. 
26 states
Supremo Tribunal Federal,
11 members: ministros
The constitution lists all the competences of the Supreme Court. The list includes several specific functions of the Court, such as: to judge and declare the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of laws; to trial the President of the Republic and Ministers; to judge appeals from sentences by other Courts; several others.
protection of fundamental rights
many forms of individual legal remedies
10 provinces
Supreme Court – Cour supreme,
8 members: justices
incidenter constitutional review; opinionsordinary instance proceedings (mostly through special permission, exceptionally by law)
28 states
Supreme court of India,
21 members: judges
The powers of the Indian Supreme Court are limited. It is exclusively empowered to exercise the constitutional review of central statutes. There is also a quorum required for the unconstitutionality of law to be declared, i.e. no less than 7 judges or no less than two thirds of Court members.
The forms of human rights protection proceedings in the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court are listed in Article 32 of the Indian Constitution (adopted following the American model): habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, quo-warranto. As adopted from English law, in India the last remedy is a decision of the Supreme Court.
protection of fundamental rights
habeas corpus etc.
18 governorates,
incl, 1 autonomous region
Federal Supreme Court; the number of judges will be determined by law constitutional review of law and bylaws; interpretation of constitution; matters arising from the application of all levels of regulations; jurisdictional disputes of different levels; impeachment – president of the state, prime minister, ministers; final results of the general parliamentary elections individual appeal
13 states
Federal Court of Malaysia;
8 members: judges
Constitutional (abstract and concrete) review of laws and other regulations; jurisdictional disputes between federation and stats and between the states; appelate power;  
31 states
Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacion;
11 members: ministros
The review of conformity with the Constitution in amparo proceedings is in the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary bodies, and takes the form of an amparo complaint. The Supreme Court is also empowered to adjudicate jurisdictional disputes between the Federation and federal member states as well as between federal members states and federal member state bodies. The petitioner of such proceedings may be the affected State body; protection of fundamental rightsamparo
FS Micronesia,
4 states
Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia;
4 members: justices
The appellate division of the Supreme Court may review cases heard in the national courts, and cases heard in state or local courts if they require interpretation of this Constitution, national law, or a treaty. If a state constitution permits, the appellate division of the Supreme Court may review other cases on appeal from the highest state court in which a decision may be had.
When a case in a state or local court involves a substantial question requiring the interpretation of the Constitution, national law, or a treaty, on application of a party or on its own motion the court shall certify the question to the appellate division of the Supreme Court. The appellate division of the Supreme Court may decide the case or remand it for further proceedings.
36 states
Supreme Court of Nigeria;
17 members: justices
The Supreme Court is empowered:
• to adjudicate jurisdictional disputes between the Federation and member states or between member states themselves. In such proceedings the decision making process of the Court is exercised in a plenary session.
• to review presidential and vice-presidential elections. The decisions of the Supreme Court are final. Otherwise, the Nigerian system of constitutional review has all the characteristics of the American diffuse system of judicial review, in which this function is exercised by all courts.
4 provinces
Supreme Court of Pakistan;
17 members: judges
The Supreme Court is the court of ultimate jurisdiction in the land. It is the final arbiter of the law and the Constitution. The Court is required to "preserve, protect and defend' this document. Its multiple roles include resolving conflicts and disputes, be they among governments (Federal/provincial) or between government and individual or individuals inter se. The Court is also a custodian and upholder of' citizens' rights, liberties and freedoms. Individual complaint
Saint Kitts and Nevis,
2 islands/
14 parishes
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court,
22 members:
4 justices,
16 judges,
2 masters
The functions of the Court are to interpret and apply the laws of the various Member States of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States; to decide cases of both civil and criminal matters and to hear appeals. 
26 states
Supreme Court,
70 members: judges
The constitutionality of any statute passed by the (Federal) National Assembly or a provisional decree issued by the President of the Republic, or a member state law passed by the member state Assembly, or a provisional decree issued by the member state Government, may be challenged before the Supreme Court, on the basis that such a statute or decree is in conflict with the federal constitutional system or contravenes any of the human rights enshrined in the Constitution. 
50 states
Supreme Court,
9 active members: justices
incidenter constitutional reviewOrdinary instance proceedings (most frequently the writ of certiorari, under the discretion; rarely the revision in accordance with the law)
23 states,
1 federal dependency
Tribunal Supremo de Justicia,
32 members: magistrados
impeachment-president of the state, deputies and other high state officials; constitutional review of federal and state laws and bylaws; jurisdictional disputed between state bodies and different type of courtsamparo

 table 2 - States with Concentrated Constitutional Review (constitutional court as a separate court)
StateThe Court's Title, JudgesPowers – Exclusively Constitutional Review ApplicantsIndividual complaint
 2 communities,
 2 regions,
 1 merged community
 and region
Arbitragehof – Cour d'arbitrage,
12 judges
(2 linguistic groups of which 6 Dutch and 6 French speakers, one of them must have an adequate knowledge of German
abstract an concrete constitutional review; law/repressive review; quasi federal nature Council of ministers, representative bodies of municipalities and regions, legislative bodies of different levels uponthe request of 2/3 of their membersQuasi popular complaint, limited to the federal level (recours en annulation)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
  a) state
Ustavni sud – Constitutional Court,
9 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes between state bodies, disputes between federal associations and unions; protection of fundamental rightsMember of the presidency, president of the council of ministers, president or deputy president of the parliamentary chamber; ¼ of each parliamentary chamber, ¼ of each legislative body of the entity; ordinary courtRevision of fundamental rights
  b) federationUstavni sud (Constitutional Court of the Federation BiH),
9 members: judges
preventive, abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical disputes between bodies and disputed between associations and unions; impeachment – the president of the state No
 Dom za ljudska prava (Human Rights Chamber),
14 members
protection of fundamental rights on the basis of the concrete constitutional review revision of fundamental rights; objection of violation of constitutional rights
  c) Republika SrpskaUstavni sud Constitutional Court),
9 members: judges
abstract constitutional review - law/repressive review.; bylaws/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (betwee state bodies, vertial jurisdictional disputes); prohibition of political parties popular complaint
 3 islands
Cour constitutionelle des Comores,
4 members: conseiller
The Court decides on the constitutionality of the laws of the Union and the Islands; referendums; electoral disputes. It guarantees finally the basic rights of the individual and public freedoms. The Court has the task of giving a ruling on conflicts of competence between two or more institutions of the Union, between the Union and the Islands and between the Islands themselves.state bodies, individualspopular complaint
 9 regions
Council of Constitutional Enquiry,
11 members
The Council has judicial powers, however its decisions would be final when they are confirmed by the House of the Federation. It would also, after examining claims submitted to it by a court or party to a dispute relating to the contravention of the Constitution by federal or state laws, submit its findings to the House of the Federation for a final decision. Provisions in the Constitution, however, require the Council to follow certain procedures when issues of Constitutional interpretation arise in other courts. According to the provision, if the Council finds no reason for constitutional interpretation, it shall remand the case to a competent court. In cases when it finds no reason for constitutional interpretation, the Council is entitled to decide the case and submit its decision to the House of the Federation for final determination. However, a party not satisfied with the order issued by the Council may appeal to the House of the Federation.  
 16 Laender
16 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/preventive review; law/preventive review; law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal disputes, isputes between associations and unions on the federal level); impeachment – president of the state, judges; prohibition of political parties; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies of all levels, ordinary courts, Laender, constitutional courts of Laender constitutional complaint
9 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister – deputy; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
38 members, judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – president of the state – deputy; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint popular complaint
9 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
9 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – deputy; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsConstitutional complaint
7 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
  HamburgHamburgisches Verfassungsgericht,
9 members: judges
+ 7 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; interpretation of law; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – member of thecourt of audit; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
  HessenStaatsgerichtshof des Landes Hessen,
11 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint
7 members: judges
+ 7 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsConstitutional complaint
  NiedersachsenNiedersaechsischer Staatsgerichtshof,
9 members: judges
+ 9 deputy members
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister, deputy; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
Verfassungsgerichtshof fuer das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen,
7 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
  Rheinland-PfalzVerfassungsgerichtshof in Rheinland-Pfalz,
9 members: judges
+ 9 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister; electoral disputesstate bodiesno
  SaarlandVerfassungsgerichtshof des Saarlandes,
8 members: judges
+ 8 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; law/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister, deputy; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint
  SachsenVerfassungsgerichtshof des Freistaates Sachsen,
9 members: judges
+ 9 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; impeachment – minister; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint
8 members: judges
+ 7 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint
7 members: judges
+ 7 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputesstate bodiesno
  ThuringenThueringer Verfassungsgerichtshof,
9 members: judges
+ 9 deputy judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies; individualsconstitutional complaint
 9 Bundeslaender
7 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/repressive review – law/preventive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (netween judicial and administrative bodies, disputes between federal bodies); impeachment – president of the state, minister, governor; electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies of different levels; ordinary courtsconstitutional complaint (but not against judgments of ordinary courts
Russian federation
 21 republics,
 46 oblasts,
 9 krais,
 1 autonomous oblast,
 4 autonomous okrugs,
 2 federal cities
Konstitucionnjy Sud,
19 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - treaties/repressive – treaties/preventive; regulations of administrative units /repressive review;law/preventive review;law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical); impeachment – the president of state(opinion); protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies of different levels, incl. republics, autonomos oblasts, ordinary courts, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Adigea RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
3 members: judges
abstract constitutional review – treaties/repressive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical) impeachment – president of the state/opinion state bodiesno
  Altai RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud, not established; the respective powers have been currently exercised by the Supreme court and the Arbitration Courtconstitutional review of laws and bylawsstate bodiesno
  Baskiria RepuiblicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
7 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/repressive review; law/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical); impeachment – president of the state/opinion; prohibition of political parties; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Ingusetia RepublicKostitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract constitutional review –law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Burjatia RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/preventive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal,vertical, communal); impeachment – president of the state/opinion; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Dagestan republicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/prevenive review; law/repressive review; bylaw/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal and vertical); impeachment – president of the state/opinion; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  -Balkar Republic
Konstitucionnyj Sud; the number of members – judges is not determined by the constitutionabstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/repressive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal, vertical, communail); impeachment – president of the state/opinion; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Karelia RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/preventive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal, vertical, communal); impeachment – minister; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Koma RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review - law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal, vertical, communal); impeachment – president of the state/opinion; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Mari-El RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract constitutional review; interpretation of the constitution; legal opinions; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal); impeachment – president of the state/opinionstate bodiesno
  Northern Osetia
  – Alania Republic
Konstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract constitutional review – law/preventive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; impeachment – president of the state/opinionstate bodiesno
  Yaktuia RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
7 members: judges
abstract and concrete constitutional review – treaties/repressive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; regulations of administrative units/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; impeachment – president of the state/opinion; prohibition of political parties; protection of fundamental rightsstate bodies, individualsconstitutional complaint
  Magadanska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review of laws and bylaws; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Tverska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionno available datano avaiable datano available data
  Tulska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionno available datano available datano available data
  Tjumenska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review of laws and bylaws; interpretation of the constitution; legislative initiativestate bodiesno
  Orenburgska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review of laws and bylaws; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Kalužska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review of laws and bylaws; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Sahalinska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionno available datano available datano available data
  Kurganska oblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionpowers shall be determined by lawno available datano available data
  Sverdlovska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (vertical); impeachment – governor/opinionstate bodiesno
  Irkutska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionconstitutional review of laws and bylaws; jurisdictional disputes; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Amurska OblastUstavnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionabstract constitutional review; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Kaliningrad OblastUstavny Sud,
5 members: judges
abstract constitutional review of laws and bylaws; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes; referendum state bodiesno
  Udmurtia RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
constitutional review of law and bylaws; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Tatarstan RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
6 members: judges
abstract constitutional review – treaties/repressive review; law/repressive review; bylaws/repressive review; interpretation of the constitution; jurisdictional disputes (horisontal); impeachment – president of the state/opinionstate bodiesno
  Chechnia RepublicKonstitucionny Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionconstitutional review of law and bylaws; judisdictional disputes; referendum; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno
  Hakasia RepublicKonstitucionnyj Sud, the number of members-judges has not been determined by the constitutionconstitutional review of law and bylaws; interpretation of the constitution; popular complaintstate bodies, individualspopular complaint
  Tiva republicKonstitucionnyj Sud,
5 members: judges
constitutional review of laws and bylaws; jurisdictional disputes; interpretation of the constitutionstate bodiesno

 table 3 - States with a special form of constitutional review
StateThe Court's Title, JudgesType of CourtPowers – Constitutional Review tooIndividual Complaint
  26 cantons
Bundesgericht – Tribunal fédéral – Corte federale,
38 members: judges
ordinary supreme court with some special constitutional review powersincidenter constitutional review (only federal bylaws and cantonal regulations); jurisdictional disputes on the federal level (vertical and horisontal); electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsordinary incidenter proceedings concerning constitutional review; constitutional complaint against the highest cantonal acts; administrative complaint
  kanton BaselVerwaltungsgericht,
8 members: judges
constitutional and administrative courtincidenter and abstract constitutional review (only bylaws); jurisdictional disputes (vertical, horisontal); electoral disputes; protection of fundamental rightsconstitutional complaint (against bylaws and administrative acts); quasi popular complaint (zagainst bylaws); administrative complaint
  kanton JuraTribunal contonal:
Cour constitutionnelle,
15 members: judges
ordinary supreme court with a special constitutional chamberpreventive and incidenter constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputesordinary instance proceedings connected to the incidenter constitutional review; preventive constitutional complaint against regulations
  kanton NidwaldenObergericht: Verfassungsgericht,
7 members: judges +
3 members: deputy judges
ordinary supreme court with a special constitutional chamberincidenter and abstract constitutional review; jurisdictional disputes; electoral disputes Ordinary instance proceedings connected to the incidenter constitutional review; quasi popular complaint